Landing Page

Landing Page

Landing pages are an essential element of any online marketing campaign. They are standalone web pages that are specifically designed to convert visitors into leads or customers, and they play a crucial role in the success of any business’s online marketing...
WordPress Multisite Network

WordPress Multisite Network

WordPress, WordPress Multisite, and WordPress Multisite Network What is WordPress? Chances are that you know that WordPress is a free open-source CMS (content management system) connected to a MySQL database. It can easily change designs using a template system called...
WordPress Business Website

WordPress Business Website

BEFORE WE BEGIN (this is a WordPress focused article) Most of the principles described in this article are geared towards WordPress Business Website (WP) – website setup but they do apply in general to other web-technologies as well. The only specifics related...
Web Progress | WebProgress | WebProgress.Net

Web Progress | WebProgress | WebProgress.Net

Web Progress or WebProgress or WebProgress.Net is a Chicago Web Design and Marketing Agency. We are helping businesses establish and improve their online presence. We help with website and SEO optimization, traffic generation and client conversions. Your website is a...